I am a software developer with a PhD and background in Computational Statistics. I primarily work with cryptography, zero-knowledge protocols, censorship-resistant tools, and distributed systems.
In hope of a better future, I dedicate most of my waking hours to Bitcoin-related projects, because “cypherpunks write code” and “fix the money, fix the world”.
If you are in a bad day, grab a curated Stoicism piece of advice at stoicquotes.io
Also, remember that you might be wrong, or, don’t use P=0 for your priors. Finally, never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
Everything that I do is either open source or has a permissive Creative Commons license. “Open source everything”.
I don’t have social media, since I think they are overrated and “they sell your data”. If you want to contact me, please send an email. If you want to contact me in a very private way, send me a SimpleX message. If you want to find out what’s recently on my mind, check out my blog.